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The Sticky Kids went to the beach one day, they took a picnic lunch
They had sandwiches and chocolate and juicy pears to crunch
They scrambled in the rock pools, there were crabs and stones and shells
And lots of slimy seaweed and salty, fishy smells
Ricky found a piece of wood and on the sand he drew
And with his finger carefully wrot “Ricky was ‘ere too”
Vicky built a sand castle, on top she put a feather
Nicky sunbathed on a rock, she loved the summer weather
Fergus paddled in the sea, splashing in the waves
And Freddy Fox went chasing smells, exploring in the caves
While Freddy was inside a cave he suddenly heard a squak
He couldn’t see who’d made the noise, but Freddy Fox could talk
He is a special fox, you see, the Stickies’ clever pet
“Who’s there” he said “It’s dark in here, it’s black and cold and wet.”
“Is not a pleasant place to live” said someone right behind him
Freddy jumped and turned around, then Vicky came to find him
“What’s happening, Freddy” Vicky said “we thought you’d disappeared”
“There’s someone here inside the cave”, into the gloom they peered
They saw a parrot on a ledge, her tail was green and red
“I’m Polyandra, that’s my name, I come from Spain” she said
“My master, Pirate Patrick, said he’d come back soon and get me
I’ve been in here for ages now and the waves come in and wet me.
Is not a pleasant place to live, as I think I said already”
“Then why not come and live with us, there’s lots of room” said Freddy
“But what if Patrick comes for me ?” poor Polyandra said
“He’d worry if I wasn’t here, he might think I was dead”
Then just as they were talking Nicky gave a shout
She’d found a bottle in the sea and when she fished it out
She found there was a message that was hidden safe inside
It had come from Pirate Patrick, carried to them on the tide
It said that he’d been shipwrecked on an island in the sun
It said that he was staying there, that island life was fun
It said that Polyandra, his parrot, whom he’d left
Was waiting in a salty cave beside the rocky cleft
And whoever found the message should keep her for a pet
Nicky read the writing, but it wasn’t finished yet
It said there was some treasure hidden in the rocks
Freddy went and found it, he is a sharp-eyed fox
The message said the treasure was to buy the parrot seed
There was gold and jewels a-plenty, much much more than they would need
Soon it was time to head for home, they’d had a marvellous day
Polyandra, she went with them and she lives there to this day.