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We’re going to clap our hands, clap them so
We’re going to clap them high and clap them low
We’re going to clap them fast and clap them slow
We’re going to clap, clap, clap our hands.
We’re going to swing our arms and swing them so
We’re going to swing them, swing them to and fro
We’re going to swing them so around they go
We’re going to swing, swing, swing our arms.
We’re going to bend our knees, bend them so
Down and up and down we go
We’re going to bend them, bend them to and fro
We’re going to bend, bend, bend our knees.
We’re going to kick our legs and kick them so
We’re going to kick as high as they will go
And as we kick we’re going to touch our toes
We’re going to kick, kick, kick our legs.
We’re going to stamp our feet and stamp them so
Stamp as hard as they will go
We’re going to stamp and let the whole world know
We’re going to stamp, stamp, stamp our feet.
We’re going to clap our hands, clap them so
We’re going to clap them high and clap them low
We’re going to clap them fast and clap them slow
We’re going to clap, clap, clap our hands.