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Sing along with Dinosaurs!

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Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, can you hear their
fiercest roars
Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp
They're coming from the muddy swamp

Stamping feet, stamping feet
Tyrannosaurus is looking for meat
He's very tall with great big jaws
Little hands, but sharp, sharp claws

Stretching tall, stretching tall
Brachiosaurus was never small
His long neck reached the highest plants And he weighed more than 14 elephants

Flapping wings, flapping wings Pterodactyls were such funny things With little hands and little feet
And a great big beak to catch fish to eat

Swinging tails, swinging tails
Stegosaurus had some spiny scales
All along his high-arched back
He was ready for attack

Paddling flippers, paddling flippers Plesiosaurus couldn't wear slippers!
For he lived in the sea, not on the land And he buried his eggs, guess where, in the sand

Ready to charge, ready to charge Triceratops is looking rather large
With horns on his head and horns on his snout
He might just catch you so watch out!

Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, can you hear their
fiercest roars
Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp
They're coming from the muddy swamp



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